Δευ-Παρ – 7.30-13.35
Τηλέφωνα: 24811899, 24811896
Τηλεομοιότυπο: 24811897

eTwinning Project - AllArTogether: the Mediterranean and Beyond

eTwinning Project - AllArTogether: the Mediterranean and Beyond

Since October 2023, a group of seniors of Livadia Lyceum has co-operated together with other schools from the European Union in the creation of the project ''AllArTogether: the Mediterranean and beyond''. The founder and coordinator of the project is Liceo L. Ariosto – Ferrara, Italy.

We worked together to explore the enchanting, diverse and common world of the Mediterranean through the lens of art, legends and music. Throughout the course of this project, we had the opportunity to work on different activities such as creating a logo and uploading pictures and descriptions of sights worth visiting in our region. We generated avatars narrating myths and legends of our countries and, finally, we showcased folkloric music from our district.

We are pleased to mention that the logo representing this project was designed by our own Anastasia Charalambous of class C’61. Undeniably, this experience has offered my fellow schoolmates and me the opportunity to open up our horizons to various civilizations, enhance our communication skills and folkloric awareness. Furthermore, we have gained a deep appreciation for Mediterranean cultural richness. This collaboration has helped us advance in the use of technology in education, develop digital literacy and adaptability in the rapidly changing world.

As the academic year is coming to an end so is our partnership; therefore, I would like to thank everyone for the invaluable contributions to the project.  Everyone’s dedication and collaboration have made this endeavour a success.




                                                                                                                        Elena Andreou
